Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sigh..... hanging out

     Well, here I am.... hanging out.... resting, recouperating.... I am reading and doing needlepoint... and trying to avoid feeling anxious and and feeling bored and sometimes lonely.... 

     Some of the "new" things going on have been hypersensitivity. My chest and the area where my breasts used to "hang" have become extra sensitive to touch. Not just skin to skin touch, but to touch from clothing. Its ok if the material just lays there, but once it moves.... Oh mama! 

      It's been a little over 3 weeks. I keep thinking I should be back to normal. Brad keeps saying, "Honey, you had 2 major surgeries in 2 weeks time! It is going to take awhile to recover". I wish I could listen better. 

     I see my surgeon on Monday April 25. I am curious as to what she will say. I still have some slightly "open" areas. The places where my drains were. I have a couple scabs along the incision line. Other than that, I think THAT portion of my healing is going well. However, I am still swollen and retaining fluid in my chest and belly. My chest actually is holding fluid where my left breast used to be... UGH! That is frustrating! Plus it is uncomfortable. My chest feels tight and the extra fluid sloshes and such... Plus the fluid in my abdomen is making me nauseous (at least that's what I'm blaming the nausea on).Waa Waa Waa! Whine Whine Whine! 

     But God is good and the days are good. Thankfully the sun finally arrived here in Mid-Central Ohio and it got warm.... mmmmm..... After I start chemo, I will not be allowed to be in the sun due to hypersensitivity. So, I'm taking advantage of it now! I have been out the sun about an hour a day each warm day... It feels so good and I am getting some color.... 

     The wig I ordered at Good Sam came in, my daughter is driving me to get it today! I'm excited for that... I also made a decision. My oncologist and his nurse have both told me I WILL lose my hair. Usually it happens about 10 - 14 days after the first treatment. Well, I honestly don't know if I can mentally handle waking up and seeing chunks of hair on my pillow. Or having it come out in my hand in the shower or just as I brush my hand thru my hair. That is too much for me. So, after my first chemo treatment, about 10 - 14 days after, I am buzzing my head. Cancer does not allow us to have much control over things. I am taking back control on my hair. Cancer says I will lose my hair. I get to say WHEN I will lose my hair. So ha ha ha cancer! 

     What else? Well, my faithful companions are just rotten to the core! Grace will only bark and such when Brad or Cody come home.... a stranger walks in, nothing. Nymphadora just runs and hides. Couldn't they try to protect me more? 

     I submitted my final project/ paper for my last class this semester. Praise the Lord! After this only 3 more classes to graduation and I will have my bachelors! 
      Speaking of bachelors, Rebekah and her fiance, Andrew will graduate with THEIR bachelors on Saturday April 30. So proud of them. 

     Ok.... enough for now! Peace out ! 

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