Friday, August 12, 2016

New Chemo

Well, I started my second round of chemo this week. On Tuesday August 9. It actually went pretty well. I did not have any reactions to the chemo, which is something that can happen with this one. I was there for about 4 hours that day, but being the first dose of this one, I got to be in a private room with a bed. I was a bit dozy, but did not fall asleep. I was afraid to. I thought what if I fall asleep and something happens and I can't tell them. So I stayed awake. But I was tired. 

I came home and laid around. Wednesday and Thursday my grandson's were here. So, I could not lay around and rest like I would have liked to. Even though I was exausted and achy... I tried, but its hard, because they come in and "check" on me or I hear them playing. Today, Friday, they are not here. I am hoping to get some rest today. They will be back tomorrow. 

Anyway.... this round supposedly has the side effects of making you tired and feel flu like for a few days afterwards. That's still better than nausea and the dizziness I had and the days of feeling like total poo. 

The day after chemo, my oncologists office called. They wanted to see how I felt. I was doing ok I told them. The big thing was my face, neck and chest were very flushed and hot. This is normal, they told me. Its from the steroids they gave me. Oh good... however, they had other issues to discuss with me. My blood sugar the day before was 549. Yes, 549! Holy COW! Those are like admitting numbers! Dr Filix wanted me to contact my family doc and get new orders for treating my diabetes. After calling two times, I finally got a call back, the nurse had some questions. Then she consulted my practitioner and called me again. A new med is added; glypizide in the mornings on steriod days and on days when my blood sugar is high. yippeee (sarcasm intended here). 

So, not only has cancer taken my figure, my hair, my feeling of contribution and self worth, but now it is totally screwing with my body in OTHER ways! It is screwing with my other disease in a big way and making things hard for me. 

Not that I thought this was going to be an easy journey. I didn't. But I didn't think it would be this hard. It is a hard hard journey. I know there are women who work thru this. I don't know how. I do not have the energy or strength to do so. I'm lonely and miss work. But, there is no way. I'm pooped out. 

My hair is starting to grow back. It feels like duck down or peach fuzz. I can't tell what color it will be, but initially, it looks mostly white with some dark. 

Brad is going to sell his truck. I'm sad about this. He says we need the money and he is looking for a "cheap" car to replace it, one with better gas mileage. His plan is to sell the truck and get at least an extra 2-4 thousand dollars after purchasing a car so that we can have more money as we go thru this. Especially since we are 99% certain my LTD is being denied. I hate it. It also makes me feel so guilty. But I know what will be will be and God has a plan for all of this. So, if you are reading this and would like a great truck, 2010 chevy. Extended cab, really clean and nice.... I love this truck. He may be willing to deal with you! 

This weekend is the food truck festival here in town. I do want to go, but I keep thinking, will I make it? Brad plans on taking the wheelchair. He also said he would use ice packs to keep me cool. 

This heat is killing me. We do not have air conditioning and we have tried window units before, but they blow our fuses. Our house does not have the electric to support them. Brad got me a couple more fans last night. He is a good man. 

I keep thinking there are things that need done around here, but I have no energy to do them. UGH! 

I start back to school in a little more than a week. I think that will be good. It will give me something to do. I am three classes away from my bachelors. If all goes well, i will graduate from Ohio University December 10. I am hopeful I will do well and get my mind on other things as this goes on.... 

ok.... I have rambled again....  This next week I have chemo on Wednesday. We asked them to please change my day, at least every other week because Brad cannot take half a day off work each week to take me. My cousin Barbara said she would take me, except she teaches yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. So, they changed me to Wednesday so that Brad can work (because we can't afford for him NOT to work) and Barbara can take me. I have also asked Rebekah if she can sometimes take me. She said she just needs to know ahead of time to let her job know. 

That is something great that has happened... my daughter Rebekah now has THREE jobs. At least for a short time period. She got a part time job at Kohl's, working during the day. She also got a job teaching dance at her former studio, Ohio Performing Arts Institute (OPAI) and then at the last minute (and I mean last minute) she was offered a job in the musical Chicago that is being performed at the Warsaw Incline Theater in Cincinnati. She had about a week and a half to learn the part. A person in the show, developed a stress fracture and couldn't continue to do the part. Rebekah was called and accepted the role! She is "Go to Hell Kitty" and Female Ensemble. The show runs August 10 - September 4. She said opening night went well. I'm so proud of her. She has a paid dancing job! I'm sure this will lead to more. Her husband starts graduate school next week. He will also be working as a TA. 

ok.... that is all for now.... .will keep updating!!!! 

love and peace. 


  1. Yay!!! Happy News! I am so glad the chemo is doing okay for you! Yippee! Yay about Rebekah! So HAPPY to hear good news from people!

  2. Yay!!! Happy News! I am so glad the chemo is doing okay for you! Yippee! Yay about Rebekah! So HAPPY to hear good news from people!
