Wednesday, August 3, 2016

fixing a drip in the toilet.

Well, things just keep going.... as life does.... 

Last Saturday I felt good.... really good.... I felt like I did before I had cancer. Brad said it even showed in my eyes... Rebekah and I went to the farmers market. I got corn, green beans and peaches as well as cheese from Blue Jacket Cheese and some cookies and small pies. Came home, played with the boys. Ate Chinese food. All in all a good day... 

Sunday I was tired.... took a long nap, well I took one Saturday too. But it was good... 

Monday... can't believe what I did Monday, LOL...I needed to clean the bathroom and had noticed that there was like a little water on the floor around the toilet. I thought the toilet was sweating from the heat... So, I was cleaning, and trying to clean around the toilet and noticed this drip from the toilet. like where the tank and bowl meet. Again, thought it was sweating. I followed the drip, and it lead to a nut/ bolt... I accidentally turned it left, which opened that drip right up! So, found out where the water was coming from! My 4 year old grandson, Jaxson was helping me clean, so he had to help me fix the toilet. Cody was off running an errand with Tucker, the two year old. 

When fixing a leaky toilet, you sort of need to stop the flow of water to the toilet so that you don't soak everything in the area. I tried to shut of the water to the toilet... I turned the knob, it made the hose sort of spray at the attached site... so that's a no go... I went to the basement and tried to turn the water off to the house. Cancer has made me so weak. I did not have the strength to do that...  Well, flush the toilet and close the flapper quick and hold the bobber so the water won't come in. But how to keep the bobber up? Jaxson and I held it and took turns looking for a Phillips head screw driver. We couldn't find one... so.... I found some sort of tool that is used to assist in turning things from a distance that fit the toilet perfectly that would hold the bobber up and keep water from filling the tank. Yay me! So, I removed the washer and nut where the leak was. 

Jaxson and I were going to go Walmart to get the parts we need, and Cody came home. We told him of our adventures and then we all went to Walmart. That was a new adventure as well. I used the electric cart and Cody pushed a real cart. The boys took turns riding with me. We picked up a "toilet repair kit" for $3.27. We also got other stuff... I've never been to Walmart and purchased just one thing. It always ends up being a bunch of other crap. This time, the crap included popscicles and ice cream as well as other stuff. The boys were funny. Jaxson kept trying to go other directions than us and periodically made screeching noises like his Uncle Andrew. I laughed and laughed. 

We picked up lunch, came home. Cody fixed the toilet. I was on the right track, but it was not the outer washer that needed fixed like I thought. It was the inner washer. But hey, for $3.27, we had all the parts we needed and it was fixed! Hooray! 

That day went on.... It was good.... Jaxson and Tucker rode their bikes... they had fun, I watched them. I would sit at the edge of the drive way and told them all the farther they could go. Then Jaxson wanted me to blow bubbles. So, I had two different bubble containers... I did bubbles and Jaxson tried to run them over... Cody and Brad were working in the house. 

Life was good... and life is still good... however, there are moments in life when you think this sucks! After we got the mail Monday.... it became one of those moments... 
You see, I found out that I'm more than likely not going to get Long Term Disability payments. and I lost it... really bad... 

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