I am getting registered and Tammy is sitting in a row of chairs behind me.... I offer for her to come sit with me. At first she declines... but then a man sat near her and started coughing his lungs out... She moved up to me... So I'm registered and we are laughing because of comments made to me this week.... Including "they think you have cancer like that? you have bad cancer?" um..... yes..... Of to the waiting area
I am called back. I ask if my sister should come... "no, you'll be right back".... ok... So, they start an IV and inject me with radioactive material that has to be in my system for 3-4 hours before they can do the test.... But by the time that is done, CT is ready for me.... So off to CAT scan.... They inform me I will be getting IV contrast with this... and (wait for it).... for about 30 seconds, the contrast will make me feel warm, give me a metal taste in my mouth and make me feel like I am peeing my pants, but I won't be.... ok.....
So, Ms Espich, what are we doing today? "a CT of my abdomen and pelvis" "Oh, ok, are you having any pain and where at?" "No, no pain.... I have breast cancer and they are checking for metastasis. " "Oh...." followed by silence....
So, CT without contrast (of my abdomen and pelvis). eh lay on the table in and out of the machine... Now she says she is starting the contrast thru my IV... ok... "are you feeling warm yet?" "yes... and um, I do have that feeling like I'm going to the bathroom" "I promise you, Ms Espich, you are not".... I think to myself... ok, but if I get up and this sheet is wet, you're in trouble! But thankfully, it was not wet and I did not pee myself... (Whew!)
So, Tammy and I head out... we are going to Panera Bread. Delicious lunch, fun times..... laugh and laugh.... We head back to the hospital. I leave some of my things in her car and the plan is she will just take me to my car when I'm done.
Back in the hospital.... waiting... waiting.... I never knew so many people in Springfield wore so much Camo! I also never realized that wearing your pajamas in the middle of the day was not only occurring at Wal Mart! It happens EVERYWHERE!!! And the pajamas look so nice when the bottoms of them are FILTHY and covered with dirt and mud and drag the ground.... and is it ok to wear Christmas pajamas in February? Isn't that like a white after labor day rule? Apparently not... At least not in my town. We also had the privilege of watching a man dressed in business type clothes walk across the lobby and put BOTH HANDS down his pants and ADJUST HIMSELF! There are just no words.... finally I get called back (Oh thank you!)..... Tammy (my "sister") has to wait.... They explain the bone scan to me and THESE people understand it is to check for metastasis. They tell me when they start the camera will cover my head for at least 5 minutes and then slowly move down my body. They will check my body from head to toe for bone mets. So, they move the camera down to me... the camera is like less than an inch from my face. I shut my eyes and start singing in my head. I feel like I wait long enough, open my eyes. Nope camera still over my head. Close the eyes. Keep singing. Finally it's off my head... When I get to a point I can look over, I glance at the screen. My spine looks cool. Then I see my knees. Lit up like the fourth of July. Wow. They told me this may pick up arthritis. YIKES! I'm thinking my knees have arthritis. So much so that I mention it to the tech. She responds with, "well, it happens to all of us. " OUCH!
So back out to the waiting area to see my sister. We go in the gift shop. There is a book called "An Elf guide to coping with cancer". o.... k...... we laugh and laugh and laugh... but, she needs to go and I have a hair appointment... Out to the parking lot... She is going to drive me to my car..... on the way, we see a car pulling out with (no lie) a kid, about 9 - 12 years old laying on the hood, hanging on to it and looking in the drivers side of the windshield. WHAT?! The car is backing up... Then it stops and the kid and the driver look at us... LOOK AT US! Um, Hello?! We are not the people hanging on the hood of a car or driving with someone on our hood! Then the car starts to pull forward and drive a bit with THE KID STILL HANGING ON THE HOOD!!! I said, "You know they have security cameras throughout this parking lot." "She said yes, they are probably just staring" "and saying, Look Bob, the Johnsons are back again!" We laughed and laughed.....
Off to get my hair done. I have to explain, surgery coming, don't know what abilities I will have with my arms post surgery. Will likely start chemo a month or so afterwards at minimum will do radiation. My dear friend, Jennifer met me there to bring me a prayer blanket and a GORGEOUS Vera Bradley breast cancer scarf. She is a Nurse Practitioner and the prayer blanket was made by another NP's church. Both are gorgeous! Will post pics later... Hair cut and styled.... It feels good and will be easy.
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