Saturday, October 29, 2016

one more week

Well, here we are.... one week left of chemo. Oh how I can't wait. My body has been saying the last couple weeks that it is done... Each week has gotten just a little worse. I have had nausea that has gotten worse each week, the taste of chemo in my mouth is just awful! My appetite is not sure what it wants to do. and the weakness of my body.... UGH! I am just wiped out.... 

Yesterday at chemo I took a nap. Rebekah said I was sleeping so good I even snored a little bit! I panicked! She said it was very quiet snoring... 

I can not believe I only have last IV chemo treatment. I am so glad. And scared. I'll be glad to not have the side effects, especially the weakness, but UGH! After this is done, I will start oral chemo... Hormone blockers. My cancer is fed by estrogen and progesterone so I need to take medication to keep them down and away. I will do this for the next 10 years. 

I saw my surgeon, Dr Daniels last week. She was very pleased with me. Examined me and said nothing out of the ordinary was there. I go back to her in 6 months. She said I will continue to follow up with her for the next 2 years. WOW! But, that's good. Between her and Dr Filix, they will be keeping an eye on me closely. That is good. I want to make sure that this never comes back! 

I started yoga with Rebekah on Wednesday nights. I have only gone 2 weeks, but I feel like it helps. It centers me and I can feel the stretching. Especially in my left arm where the lymph nodes were removed. 

Tonight is trick or treat here. We have candy ready to pass out and the boys are going out as Marshall and Rubble from Paw Patrol. I'm excited for them. 

I don't feel absolutely AWFUL like I did on the Red Devil, but I don't feel good. I am exhuasted and weak. I'm nauseous and have the awful chemo taste in my mouth. But, I will sit at the end of the driveway and hand out candy to the little ones that come by. 

I have a lot more deep thoughts and introspections, but today, I'm done... I'm tired and we need to get ready for the trick or treaters. 

I also and frustrated waiting on my grade from my most recent class! UGH! Post it already! I start my final class towards my Bachelors Monday... :) Praise the Lord!!!! 

Will write more later.... 

Love and Peace to all. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! Almost there! Cancer free and a whole new career opportunity when you finish your degree! Way to go! What a role model!!!
