Monday, January 9, 2017

2 months out :)

Well, Here I am... two months out from chemo. 
How am I doing? 

I am finally starting to feel like me again. It's been over a year since I actually felt like me. I realize this because facebook gives me memories to look at. One memory from a year ago was that my daughter told me I had lost the light in my eyes and that I had lost my crow (Peter Pan reference). I think I am FINALLY getting my light back and getting my crow back. I notice little things about myself, that have been gone for so long. I am trying to do more around the house. I am trying to do more than just exist! 

My hair... oh my... a month ago, I was getting my hair back on my head, but had NO eyebrows and NO eyelashes! My hair on my head is getting thick! Look at that thickness! And the start of eyebrows and the eyelashes! My hair is actually a hot 
mess, but it's growing!!!

I am feeling more energy, but still wear down really easy. REALLY easy! I'm trying to get my strength built back up. It's a slow slow process. Brad and I are trying to go to the gym at least once a week. The woman who ran half marathons is now not even on the treadmill. However, I do get on the recumbent bike and ride for maybe 10 minutes. I used to do the bike for half an hour and then do the treadmill! I have tried to lift some weights too to get strength back and regain the muscle I have lost. I am sad to say I can only do the 2-3 pound weights at this time. But, I'm trying and as Brad says, I'm not sitting on the couch! 
An example of my energy level: If we do anything that would be considered "normal", it takes me a day or two to recover. After graduation, I was wiped out for several days. Christmas really took it out of me.... but again, it will all come back! 

Work... well, I was released to return to work part time the first part of December. They were not able to allow that. They also apparently are in need of assistance and have posted my job. So, not sure that I will have the job to return to. But I do know that God will provide! He has provided so far, why would He stop now? 

School is done! Which is such an awesome thing! I still can't believe it! I actually graduated!!! Of course, it would be more real if my degree would get here! I'm anxiously awaiting that piece of paper! 

Things in my life are good. God is even better! There is so much I want to say, but at the moment, it's not the time. But when the time comes, I will share! 

I will try to post again soon... because posting is good therapy for me and even though my chemotherapy has ended, my breast cancer journey has not! I will be on this journey forever, because it has changed my life. 

Love and peace to all 


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